Saturday, May 31, 2008


I have a nice craft table set up in our game room, so I've finally been able to start scrapbooking again. I'm trying to get our wedding scrapbook finished before Alexis gets here so I'm not SO far behind. I ordered a whole bunch of wedding pictures from our professional photographer today, so while I'm waiting on Andrew to bring those home (I ordered them from Walgreens), I finished a good portion of our honeymoon pages... not a whole scrapbook, just a few pages at the end of our wedding scrapbook. So now I just need to do the prewedding pictures, the ceremony, the reception and leaving the reception. Obviously that's a good but to do in the next 10 weeks, but I'm hoping to get it all done :)

We had our 4th childbirth class on Thursday. The pediatrician that came to talk to us answered a lot of my questions, so I enjoyed it. A lot of the information we got at the end of the class was stuff I already knew, but I enjoyed meeting the pediatrician... and eating at Fuddruckers afterward haha. We're going to start meeting with pediatricians soon. I liked the one that came to talk to us a lot, but I want to meet a few others, just to compare.

This week we're learning infant CPR, and then next week is our last week... it's going by SO fast!