Monday, June 2, 2008

working a lot

I'm working a lot this week... I was scheduled to work tomorrow and Wednesday nights, but then a guy called today and asked if I could work Friday and Saturday for him, so I am... I'm going to be SO tired. But, we could use the extra money, especially since my last day at AE is June 14th.

I figured I've been bored sitting around at home recently, so I might as well be working. It's just that the last time I worked I was SO tired, I barely made it through a 5 hour shift. Granted, I didn't get a break during that shift, besides when I grabbed a barstool to sit down and fold underwear haha

I'm excited about the next few weeks- this week we're learning infant CPR, and then next week we're taking the tour of the hospital. Next weekend is my friend Melissa's baby shower and then the weekend after that is my baby shower! I'm really excited about seeing all my friends, and of course getting presents :) After the shower I should be able to finish the nursery, which is very exciting... I can't wait to have it all done!