Sunday, May 25, 2008

Happy Memorial Day Weekend :)

This weekend was very, very tiring for me... I'm glad to be home, sitting in bed with my feet up!

Thursday we had our 3rd baby class, all about breastfeeding. We were planning on breastfeeding, as long as everything went well, so this class was pretty informative. They showed a video about the proper latch and how to tell if the baby is getting enough to eat, etc. Next week is about recovery and infant care, and there will be a pediatrician there to answer questions if we have any.

Friday we left for Valdosta with my parents... we got off to a late start because my parents were late meeting us for lunch. And then south of Atlanta there was crazy traffic for no reason which set us back some more... finally Andrew and I made it into Thomasville, where we were meeting my old friend Betsy (old as in elementary school :) facebook is amazing!) for dinner. We finally got there and ate dinner (at Applebees)... it was fun catching up and I got to meet her little girl Natalie, we took a picture too but my camera is out in the car so I'll have to post it later when I'm not feeling so lazy.
After dinner we drove the rest of the way to Valdosta and spent the night with my sister.The next morning we woke up early to meet my parents for breakfast before heading down to Panama City. We have a family reunion every Memorial Day weekend and this year there were SO many people there! It was nice seeing everyone and the new babies... our group picture this year was quite a task because for some reason we did it inside and crammed 50 people into a living room around a couch...
Anyways, by the end of that night I was EXHAUSTED! I might mention that my grandmother doesn't believe in A/C... so with 50 people in that house, and all the cooking is gets SO hot in there... never before has it ever felt that hot... I guess that's what happens when you're preggo.
So for dinner that night we ate with the family at a restaurant in Valdosta and as soon as we got back to my sister's house I crashed and went to bed. My feet and hands were nice and swollen by that point, and now my wedding rings don't fit :( So, I got some sleep... inbetween tossing and turning and waking up every 2 hours to go to the bathroom, I didn't get much. But Andrew offered to drive the first leg of the trip back home this morning, so I got a couple more hours after we hit the road early this morning. We stopped in Cartersville to eat lunch on the way home and then picked up our dogs (always a fun time... you'd think at least one of our dogs would like car rides, but no) and now we're home :) I'll work on getting the pictures on here sometime today or tomorrow. Hope every else had an enjoyable holiday weekend and has a great Memorial Day tomorrow!