Thursday, May 8, 2008

first childbirth class

We had our first childbirth class today. It went pretty well I think... a lot of the first part of the class was stuff I already knew from reading books. Basically just text book information about pregnancy discomforts and how you know you're in labor. At the end of the class though we learned some the "pelvic tilt" which is suppose to help with back pain, and helps move the baby if she's not in the right position towards the end of the pregnancy. And we also learned the first breathing technique- deep breathing (or something like that). I have a feeling that one will be the easiest to remember when the time comes. But next week we learn 2 more breathing/relaxation techniques. And, even though I plan on getting an epidural, our teacher made a good point of saying that you don't really want to get one right away, and so you can do these relaxation exercises before we get the drugs.

Also, even though I do plan on getting an epidural, I don't want to get one right away anyway, because after you get it you are kinda stuck on your back and I want to be able to walk around and move as long as I can.

Anywho... that's all for now. Next week we do more of this stuff, so I'm looking forward to it :)


Lilymm04 said...

Let me know if you need any advice. Deep slow breathing worked really good for me. My bradley teacher said if you do get med to get them when you are at least half way there. Im so excited for you....and do them pelvic tilts girl right before bed they helped me sleep and get baby of my bladder