Wednesday, April 9, 2008

nursery update

We built the crib yesterday and I worked on the nursery some more... I pick up the rest of the furniture tomorrow which I'm very excited about, and then next week we're painting the room and then we just have to wait until the baby shower to get most of the rest of the stuff :)

here are some pictures: (I still haven't figured out how to make it show all of the horizontal pics, but if you click on one of them it will take you to my photobucket account where you can see the whole picture)

the crib all put together
where the glider is going to go-
I also put up the blinds-
the closet (with way too many clothes already... there's also a drawer full of onesies in that plastic thing :)
Alexis already has a nice collection of stuffed animals :)
some of her toys on the bookshelf-


Sarah and Ryan said...

THE CARPET LOOKS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just absolutely love everything you have done. It's just perfect. I can't wait to meet her. Oh, and I will email you back. Love you!