I cleaned out our garage and my car today... I guess my nesting has migrated to outside the house! I needed to clean out my car before the Gatlinburg trip, and I figured I'd do it today so it was clean for the Carmax people tomorrow (they're hopefully fixing my A/C tomorrow)
Anyway, while I was out there I cleaned out the garage... and I ended up switching sides... the side I used to park on is now being used for storage (our bikes, bulk items from Sam's Club, etc.) and my car is now on the other side...
I decided to switch them while I was cleaning it out because when I got in my car to move it out of the garage I had to squeeze to fit my belly between the wall and my car door... now my car door can open all the way so I won't have that problem :)
Anywho... that was very tiring, so after that I just sat around until tonight when I did some packing for our Gatlinburg trip. Since I'm going shopping tomorrow I wanted to make sure I had enough stuff to wear on the trip. I know I'm not known for my lack of clothing, but since I'm wearing maternity clothes now I wanted to take an inventory.... mostly because when I'm at home and don't have to go anywhere I just wear sweatshorts and a tshirt... and on our vacation I'll have to have 5 days (with 2 outfits a day-- nicer outfit for nice dinners) of real clothes... but I think I have enough. I might need one more nice outfit.
Anywho... I'm excited about my shopping trip, I'm hoping to find a dress to wear to my baby shower and I'm definitely getting the letters for Alexis's room... wish me luck finding a dress, because so far I've looked EVERYWHERE in Rome with no luck
Sunday, April 27, 2008
my car is clean!
Posted by Sara at Sunday, April 27, 2008 1 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
busy next couple of months!
So I was just thinking about all of the things I have coming up, and I realized this summer is a busy summer!
Next week I'm going shopping on Monday down in Kennesaw with my friend Melissa for baby stuff. And then on Thursday we're leaving for Gatlinburg. We'll be there 5 days, so we'll be back the following Monday.
Then on Tuesday I have a doctor's appointment that I have to drink a gross orange drink to do my gestational diabetes test (it's a test to see if you have it... everyone has to do it). And then, two days after that on Thursday Andrew and I start our birthing classes at the hospital- the first two classes are about "late-pregnancy concerns, fetal development, and the physical and emotional process of labor and delivery", the next class we learn about breastfeeding and bottle feeding, the forth is recovery, baby care and safety. Fifth is infant and child CPR, and the last class we get a tour of the hospital (labor and delivery rooms, the nursery, etc.)
So, that will last 6 weeks. In between the beginning and end of that, I have a wedding we're attending on May 17, and then on Memorial Day weekend we're going down to Florida for a family reunion (my side of the family). I'm excited about that because I had to miss Thanksgiving this year because of work, and also my cousins will be there with their baby girls they just had (one in October, one in February).
After that I'll have another doctor's appointment and then it's June! The second weekend in June is my friend Melissa's baby shower, and then the weekend after that I'm having my baby shower (June 21). After *that* my calendar is pretty empty so far, but I'm sure we'll be busy doing any returns and exchanges from the shower and we'll also have to finish buying anything we need for the baby. And after my shower I'll only have 7 weeks until my due date... and she could always decide to come early... and after Alexis gets here I'll have no free time :p I can't wait though... time is going by so fast, but August definitely can not get here fast enough!
Posted by Sara at Thursday, April 24, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
bathroom pics
Ok, so I'm still working on this picture thing... the pics Andrew's camera takes are too high of quality, so it's taking forever to load them!
Here are some pictures of the bathroom-
Posted by Sara at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 0 comments
more nursery pics
I finished up the nursery today, and did the bathroom too! I was feeling motivated, so I went ahead and painted it...
Monday I'm going down to Hobby Lobby and buying wooden letters to do "ALEXIS" above the closet, but besides that I think I'm completely finished with the nursery until June when I have my baby shower. I think I'm probably also done with the bathroom until then, we still need most of the stuff, but I'm registered for it too, so I don't really want to buy anything unless I have to. Basically all we really *need* is a shower curtain haha, I sold our old one at our garage sale. Target has the cutest froggy bathroom stuff, so I'm doing my bathroom in a froggy theme. Obviously I still need to add pictures and picture frames in the bed and bathroom, but again... waiting till after the shower (or the birth for the actual pictures :))
Here are the pictures I promised:
the first is the entrance- the sign I made says "I've already found my Prince. His name is Daddy"
Here's our changing table, imagine that the cat is a changing pad :)
The shelves that Andrew and I painted... and I installed all by myself! (I used a drill and everything!)
"Princess in Training" :) And in the background is Alexis's first piggy bank... I got it as a white elephant gift a few christmases agoThe crib (obviously still needs a mattress and bedding, but that is hopefully coming at the shower) and the dresser
Posted by Sara at Tuesday, April 22, 2008 0 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
I lied...
just in case you don't have facebook... here's a couple of pictures:
in there somewhere you can see a cloud shaped like a star wars ship, and the last picture is the cloud Andrew made, and then convinced me to add Mario coins to it... he tried to get me to paint a vine going up to the cloud, but I said Mario would just have to find the hidden feather in the castle to fly to the coins...
Posted by Sara at Friday, April 18, 2008 0 comments
done painting :)
I'm exhausted, so I'm going to bed, but I posted all the pictures on facebook :) I'll post more on here tomorrow... it turned out really well though. I'm very proud of us and our "artistic" abilities! hehe
Posted by Sara at Friday, April 18, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
We start painting tomorrow! I'm so excited... I prepped everything on Sunday, taped around the ceiling, door, closet and window...
And I drew the hills and castle on the wall, and I LOVE it... I really hope the paint part turns out well, because so far I'm loving everything. I'll take lots of pictures tomorrow as we're painting and afterward... then we'll move the furniture in and I'll take more pictures! :)
Posted by Sara at Wednesday, April 16, 2008 2 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
starting the paint on thursday
I'm drawing the hills and castle on the walls today and then on Thursday my father-in-law is going to come up and help us paint. I'm so excited about having everything done! Then on Friday or this weekend we can move the furniture in!
After thursday I'll definitely be back with lots of pictures! I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Posted by Sara at Sunday, April 13, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
nursery update
We built the crib yesterday and I worked on the nursery some more... I pick up the rest of the furniture tomorrow which I'm very excited about, and then next week we're painting the room and then we just have to wait until the baby shower to get most of the rest of the stuff :)
here are some pictures: (I still haven't figured out how to make it show all of the horizontal pics, but if you click on one of them it will take you to my photobucket account where you can see the whole picture)
the crib all put together
where the glider is going to go-
I also put up the blinds-
the closet (with way too many clothes already... there's also a drawer full of onesies in that plastic thing :)
Alexis already has a nice collection of stuffed animals :)
some of her toys on the bookshelf-
Posted by Sara at Wednesday, April 09, 2008 1 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
nursery furniture!
We found furniture for the nursery! woohoo!
I originally found them last week on craigslist, but they were "sold".... anyways, I got another email today saying that the people never came to pick up the furniture, so we get them! yay! It's a changing table with hutch and a dresser, and they're both the same color wood as the free crib we already have :) hooray!
here's the pictures that were on craiglist, we're picking them up on Thursday:)
Also, we picked out the glider we're going to get... it's actually just a recliner, but they can add a swivel and glide option, so it glides instead of rocks and it has a 360 degree swivel... it's SO nice, we probably won't get it for another couple months, but I'm excited that we have it picked out... I'll post pictures when it comes :)
Posted by Sara at Monday, April 07, 2008 1 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
the nursery is started!
Shopping yesterday went really well... we decided to stay in Rome, so we went to Broad Street and I got some cute stuff for the nursery and the bathroom (which is being redone in Target's frog theme) I got TONS of cute clothes (I know I shouldn't be buying until after my shower, but I couldn't help it... everything was on sale!) The consignment shop on Broad Street was having a "bag sale" where you filled up a plastic bag for $5... so I got a bag full, and some other stuff from inside their store... a really cute 12 month outfit that's embroidered with an "A"... how great is that? And then we went to the mall... and Belk was having a sale, most of their baby stuff was 40% off, so I bought some cute little dresses with frogs on them! yay! (If you didn't know... I like frogs)
Enough talk about yesterday... now let's talk about today!
I've been working on clearing out the nursery for the past few weeks, and since the garage sale last week it's pretty much cleaned out.
A couple days ago I moved the stuff we've been storing in our room into the closet... clothes, etc.
And today I installed the light fixture! I love it! And I'm super proud of myself for installing it, all by myself :) I'm not very handy at all, but after this I feel like I should be featured on HGTV haha... here are some pictures (I don't know how to resize them... so just use your imagination to fill in the other half of the picture haha):
here is the fan that used to be in the room:
the ceiling with nothing on it:
the lamp all installed:
and the light turned on... isn't it cute? I love it!
Posted by Sara at Friday, April 04, 2008 2 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I'm going shopping tomorrow... yay! haha, I'm going with my friend Melissa, who's also expecting her first little baby (also a girl), so we're going baby shopping. I'll be picking out the glider I want from Babies R Us and hopefully finding a cheap dress to wear to my baby shower in June.
It'll be a nice change from today, which was spent cleaning all day... but it's nice that our house is clean! Now I must go fix dinner. Off to the land of casseroles :)
Posted by Sara at Wednesday, April 02, 2008 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
productive day
Today was a very productive day for Andrew and I. He had the day off, and usually on those days we just hang out and do absolutely nothing. We normally end up destroying the house if anything haha.
But today we slept in, which was nice and then we went to Taco Bell (and I DIDN'T get terrible heartburn... woohoo!) for lunch, and then to Wachovia to do a couple things- 1: we needed to get our house closing documents out of the safety deposit box because it's got some info we need for our taxes on it 2: Andrew needed a new debit card, so we ordered that and 3: we signed up for Wachovia's "way to save" program, which puts $1 into your savings account every time you use your debit card.
After our wachovia trip, we headed to the thrift store in Rome, we're on a hunt for furniture for the nursery... we've got our crib, but furniture is SO expensive, we doubt we'll get a dresser for a gift, so we're trying to find one at a garage sale or thrift store. Not much luck at the thrift store, but I did buy two cute little onesies for 79 cents each... heck yes!
Then we headed home, and Andrew played some video games while I went back out to buy dinner. Andrew fixed some fantastic hamburgers out on our grill (and we ate outside on our patio furniture!) I fixed some yummy potato salad, and even though I halved the recipe we still ended up with WAY too much haha, and I also fixed some yummy fruit salad, but we were too full from our burgers and potato salad, so we're saving that for a little later tonight (probably after American Idol:) )
So, this weekend I'm going to a rummage sale that a local bank is doing as a fundraiser for Relay for Life... Walgreens is doing one in 2 weeks, so I'll be going to that too... hoping to find some great, cheap baby stuff! And then Saturday night we're going to a wedding which should be lots of fun... I've got lots of stuff going on in the next couple of months, and I have a feeling they're going to FLY!
Wedding this weekend, wedding in May, baby shower in June and my baby shower sometime in June too... lots going on :) And then in August... *drumroll* baby time!
Posted by Sara at Tuesday, April 01, 2008 0 comments