I worked most of the day Monday and now the nursery is finished!
here's the crib complete with bedding and mobile-Her name above the crib... looks complete with mobile :) You can also see the beginnings of her doll collection in the crib... her uncle Sean got her a princess doll, so cute!
the changing table, with changing pad :) And my boppy pillow in the cubby hole
a close up of the crib, with her dolls in the corner... and my diaper bag, all packed and ready to go to the hospital
the rest of my bags... packed and ready to go (the white one got transferred to the diaper bag, but not as of the picture)
Friday, June 27, 2008
The nursery's done :)
Posted by Sara at Friday, June 27, 2008 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
baby shower
I had my baby shower on Saturday :) It was lots of fun and we got TONS of stuff! We played a few fun games... a baby Price is Right and a matching game with crazy baby names and the insane celebrity parents who name their kids stupid things.
Here are a few pictures-
the table centerpiece :)
the cake- Welcome Princess :)Me and Mrs. Gentry
opening gifts :) This onesie said "Don't you wish your mommy was hot like mine" haha
Me, Ro, Jenn and Scare :)
Posted by Sara at Monday, June 23, 2008 0 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
we got our chair today :)
Our recliner for the nursery came in last week, so while we were down celebrating Father's Day with Andrew's family in Kennesaw, we went by the store and picked it up. I love it, and so does Andrew... I told someone that I wouldn't be surprised if I came home one day and found it moved to his game room haha :)
This was our gift from the Gentry's, for Alexis. I think what I like most about it is that it can easily fit into any room of the house. After we no longer have a nursery to put it in, we can move it out to the living room, or the game room... or any other room. And it's SO comfy, much more so than any of the traditional nursery-type gliders we were thinking about before. And it still has the "glide" feature I was wanting from a glider... we added that to the chair when we ordered it, and with that came a "swivel" option, which is really nice, it swivels on a base, 360 degrees, so I can turn around while in the chair.
Posted by Sara at Sunday, June 15, 2008 1 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
hospital tour
We went on the hospital tour today. Definitely makes it so real! We saw the delivery rooms, the postpartum rooms, and the nursery. It was really nice to see where I'll be staying prior to getting there.
I also preregistered, so I'm all set to go! Obviously I still have a ways to go, but as far as the hospital goes I'm set :)
I'm at 31 weeks and 5 days, so hopefully Alexis will bake for at least 5 more weeks.
My baby shower is next week, which I'm really excited about. We'll of course get lots of stuff for Alexis, but I'm also going to see my group of friends that I never see... especially not all of us all together! And my best friend that lives in Memphis is coming down, and I'll be spending the whole day with her (she's part of the group). So anyways, I'm really excited about all that and a room full of ladies celebrating my little Alexis and me getting to talk about her all day :)
Posted by Sara at Friday, June 13, 2008 0 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Contacts! :)
I'm so excited... Andrew doesn't have eye insurance with Walgreens, so I procrastinated getting new contacts, and last week I ran out of new ones, and one of my old ones fell out in the middle of the night (that's what I get for all the fans I have running!) So, I've been wearing my glasses for the past week and I HATE them.
And then I realized that the contacts I usually wear are super expensive, but it was never an issue because my dad had good insurance, and the last time I got new ones was while I was still in college. The reason they're so expensive is because they're monthlies... you can wear them to bed and just toss them out at the end of the month.
So I was really worried I wouldn't be able to get those same kind, and I've been sleeping in them for 5 years, and I can't go back to the way things used to be! Taking them out every night, not being able to see at night... uck!
So, I went in to Walmart today for my eye exam (which is another thing I'm excited about... my vision hasn't gotten worse with pregnancy, I was worried that would be an issue), and I asked the doctor if there was a cheaper version of the monthlies, and there was! The ones I have now are about 1/2 the price of my old ones
So, obviously it was still expensive, but not as bad as we originally thought. And I'm so excited to not be wearing glasses!
Posted by Sara at Friday, June 06, 2008 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
working a lot
I'm working a lot this week... I was scheduled to work tomorrow and Wednesday nights, but then a guy called today and asked if I could work Friday and Saturday for him, so I am... I'm going to be SO tired. But, we could use the extra money, especially since my last day at AE is June 14th.
I figured I've been bored sitting around at home recently, so I might as well be working. It's just that the last time I worked I was SO tired, I barely made it through a 5 hour shift. Granted, I didn't get a break during that shift, besides when I grabbed a barstool to sit down and fold underwear haha
I'm excited about the next few weeks- this week we're learning infant CPR, and then next week we're taking the tour of the hospital. Next weekend is my friend Melissa's baby shower and then the weekend after that is my baby shower! I'm really excited about seeing all my friends, and of course getting presents :) After the shower I should be able to finish the nursery, which is very exciting... I can't wait to have it all done!
Posted by Sara at Monday, June 02, 2008 0 comments