Alexis went trick or treating at the mall this year. I think she enjoyed herself. Everyone thought she was cute at least! She slept most of the time... so she was Sleeping Beauty.
I love her costume... such a pretty princess! Daddy is her prince for now ;)
On our way out, we saw my friend Melissa and her husband and daughter. So Alexis and Avery took a picture together. Unfortunately, Alexis was getting hungry, so she wasn't very happy.
Before we did Halloween, we actually went and voted. Andrew was working today, so it just made more sense to do it early. Alexis wore a patriotic outfit and got a sticker to say she voted ;)
On Thursday I'm going to the MOPS group at our new church. I'm excited about that, it's the first time I'm going. It's a group for women with young children. I'm excited to meet some other women with babies :)
We've got a busy couple of weekends coming up! Next weekend (not two days from now, the week after that). Andrew and I are going to Mississippi with his mom and youngest brother. His relatives haven't met Alexis yet, so that should be fun!
Then two weeks after that I'm going down to Florida with Alexis for Thanksgiving with my family. I'm a little nervous about the drive by myself, but so far Alexis has been doing really good during car rides, so I'm crossing my fingers.
Alexis is doing great. She's almost holding her head up by herself while sitting. She's really good at it, just not completely steady. I sat her in her Bumbo seat today and she liked it for a little while, but then holding her head up was getting to be too much work for her and she didn't like it any more!
She's rolling over great! I get out the camera after she does it and try to get her to do it again so I can video tape it, but no. She refuses to do it when the camera is rolling. Today I left her on her tummy in the crib, went and changed the laundry and came back and she was on her back. Then I got out the camera and waited another 5-10 minutes watching her and no luck! She's a sneaky little baby!!!She's smiling and laughing ALL the time now, I LOVE it! Andrew took this picture of us on Sunday after church... she's such a happy baby, I love that I can just look at her and she gets all smiley. Definitely my favorite thing to do right now is to try to get her to laugh.
I think that's all for now!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Posted by Sara at Tuesday, November 04, 2008
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Thank you Sara! I can't believe how big Alexis is getting! She's beautiful! I enjoy reading your blog...I didn't know you read mine too :-)
It looks like you all are doing pretty well she looks so cute all dressed up like a princess and picking out pumpkins from the other blog.
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