Monday, November 24, 2008

Alexis has RSV :(

Alexis has been sick since Thursday/Friday, and it got worse and worse over the weekend. I called our insurance's nurse line yesterday and they said to definitely bring her to the dr. today.

She's had a bad cough, runny nose and wheezing when she breathes... the wheezing is the problem. So Alexis went to the dr. today and tested positive for RSV... which I guess is just a virus, like a cold... but it causes more wheezing, and if it gets bad enough can cause pneumonia or bronchitis and if it gets that far it can result in hospitalization.
So, Alexis had to do a breathing treatment in the office, which she hated and I hated for her. She screamed and screamed. We got a prescription for more meds and a nebulizer for her to do the treatments at home every 4 hours. So far I've done it at home once, it wasn't nearly as bad in the comfort of our own home. She was being poked and prodded at the dr's and to do the RSV test they squirted this stuff in her nose and then swirled a q-tip up in her nose. Poor little baby.

We have to go back to the dr's on Wednesday to see if she's getting better.

I hope she gets better because we are planning on going out of town for thanksgiving on Wednesday. I'm being optimistic and packing our bags today and tomorrow. I'm also baking cookies for the thanksgiving meal tomorrow. I can't do all that in the 1 hour I'll have inbetween her dr's appointment Wed. and when we're suppose to leave, so I'm just going to cross my fingers and keep praying!

So that's what's going on with us today. Alexis isn't having her 4 month checkup tomorrow since they're seeing her on Wednesday. If she's feeling better, they'll give her the vaccine shots Wed., but if she's like she was today she'll have to get them the week after Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

I hope that Alexis is feeling better or at least a little bit better by Wednesday. I would love to help you all in anyway possible.

Anonymous said...

But it is sort of hard being farther away.

Lilymm04 said...

i hope alexis feels better. you should just move down here with us and get away from that cold just a thought. Have a good thanksgiving