Saturday, October 4, 2008

One month later...

It's been over a month since I last updated. I find it hard to have both hands free, so even though I spend lots of time at the computer, it's hard to type a long update when I'm one handed :)

Alexis, as you can see, has gotten so much bigger! This picture was taken last night. She was having tummy time and lifted her head up for a long time, I was proud. She's still working on being about to hold her head up by herself, so I was impressed to see her do this long enough for me to get the camera and then take a picture.

She has her 2 month checkup on Tuesday, so I'll try to update again after that. She's growing like crazy, so I'm excited to see how much she weighs and how long she is :) I'm not at all looking forward to all of her shots! Depending on what they combine into one shot, she could get as many as 5 shots :*( I'm sure mommy will cry more than Alexis.


Lilymm04 said...

I love this picture of her she looks soooo big.