Tuesday, October 7, 2008

2 month checkup

Just got back from Alexis's 2 month checkup... she did good. I did better than I thought I would, only a couple tears. She got 3 shots (2 on one side-pictured, and one on the other) and 1 oral (they should do ALL of them this way! She sucked that stuff down!). Her height and weight are all good... she's super tall, which Andrew is so proud of. Even though we're both tall he says over and over "she's tall like her daddy" haha, I think it's cute

Anyway, she's 24 3/4"(literally off the charts... above the 97th percentile:dance:) and 11lb 1 oz (which is average)

And so far she's been good... she fell asleep as soon as we started driving and now she's eating. The doc said she may be fussy, but a lot of babies just sleep it off, so that's what I'm hoping for!

Tomorrow she's staying with Andrew's parents while we go out to see Wicked. It's our first time leaving her with someone else, but I'm excited about our date, especially since it's to see Wicked :)


Maggie said...

Wow! She is long....she doesn't even fit all the way in the picture LOL