I'm throwing in a couple of recent pics of Alexis... enjoy!
I think we may have found a church :) It's REALLY close to us, and has a morning service and a night service... so Andrew can usually go to one or the other, depending on his work schedule.
They have a young couples sunday school class and a MOPS group (moms of preschoolers, but anyone pregnant-school age can go). This morning we went to the sunday school class, and it was ok. They had the backup's backup teaching... so it wasn't that great, but the people are really nice so we're definitely going back next week!
We were also invited to go trick or treating with some of the couples and their kids, so I think we might do that... if Andrew can get the night off. He's suppose to open that day, but one of the other managers is in the hospital and might not be back in time :(
I'll definitely post pictures after halloween because Alexis is SO cute in her princess costume! At the bottom of this blog there's a pic of her in the costume, but it's missing the hat. The hat just makes it ADORABLE!
I've got a lot of fun weekends coming up... this upcoming weekend I've got Halloween and then Sarah's baby shower (so excited about seeing you and your big baby belly!)
The weekend after that we're (Andrew and I) are going with his mom and his youngest brother to Mississippi to visit his extended family. None of them have met Alexis yet, so that should be fun!
Then Thanksgiving weekend I'm going down to see my family. I'm bringing Alexis, but it'll just be the two of us because Andrew has to work. I'll be staying with my sister, who is about 1/2 way to my final destination... so it's only a 4 hour drive each day. I'm staying with Amy through the end of the weekend... trying to make the drive worthwhile, instead of driving there and back in 2 days.
Anyway, a fun month coming up! I can't believe it's almost November! Where does the time go??Alexis is sleeping now, I think she might be inching toward an earlier bed time. I guess I should get ready for bed myself!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
new church
Posted by Sara at Sunday, October 26, 2008 1 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yummy hands
I finally put a video up on youtube... I've been trying to catch her rolling over, but she won't do it when I've got the camera out. I thought this was funny though, sucking on her hands...
Posted by Sara at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 5 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
2 month checkup
Just got back from Alexis's 2 month checkup... she did good. I did better than I thought I would, only a couple tears. She got 3 shots (2 on one side-pictured, and one on the other) and 1 oral (they should do ALL of them this way! She sucked that stuff down!). Her height and weight are all good... she's super tall, which Andrew is so proud of. Even though we're both tall he says over and over "she's tall like her daddy" haha, I think it's cute
Anyway, she's 24 3/4"(literally off the charts... above the 97th percentile) and 11lb 1 oz (which is average)
And so far she's been good... she fell asleep as soon as we started driving and now she's eating. The doc said she may be fussy, but a lot of babies just sleep it off, so that's what I'm hoping for!
Tomorrow she's staying with Andrew's parents while we go out to see Wicked. It's our first time leaving her with someone else, but I'm excited about our date, especially since it's to see Wicked :)
Posted by Sara at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 1 comments
Saturday, October 4, 2008
One month later...
It's been over a month since I last updated. I find it hard to have both hands free, so even though I spend lots of time at the computer, it's hard to type a long update when I'm one handed :)
Alexis, as you can see, has gotten so much bigger! This picture was taken last night. She was having tummy time and lifted her head up for a long time, I was proud. She's still working on being about to hold her head up by herself, so I was impressed to see her do this long enough for me to get the camera and then take a picture.
She has her 2 month checkup on Tuesday, so I'll try to update again after that. She's growing like crazy, so I'm excited to see how much she weighs and how long she is :) I'm not at all looking forward to all of her shots! Depending on what they combine into one shot, she could get as many as 5 shots :*( I'm sure mommy will cry more than Alexis.
Posted by Sara at Saturday, October 04, 2008 1 comments