Alexis started crawling at the beginning of May and is all over the place now! She's just recently (in the last few days) started venturing off of the carpet. When she first started crawling she wasn't so sure of the wood floors, but now if one of the dogs leaves the room she'll start to follow them until she decides they've gone too far.
She's also becoming more independent. Back at the end of April she started being really clingy and not wanting me to leave the room, ever! Now that she's more mobile I think she doesn't mind me leaving for a few seconds to go get something because she can follow me if she wants to, or she can find some trouble to get in ;)
She still doesn't have any teeth, but she's moving forward with big girl food just gumming it. She now eats table food at most meals (in addition to her formula). For breakfast she usually has a fruit or a waffle with some jelly (she's a fan of the jelly). For lunch she usually has a sandwich (grilled cheese, or some sort of veggie) and dinner a lot of times she just has little pieces of whatever we're having.
She's definitely growing up way too fast... I guess that doesn't stop. She's working on pulling herself all the way up. She's been able to pull herself up to her knees for about 2 months now. I think she's just lazy... she's so tall that she can reach most things just by getting on her knees :) So she stops there instead of working to get taller.
My pregnancy is going well. There are days that I don't even remember I'm pregnant... aside from the big belly. We've decided on a name- Kaitlyn. The middle name is still undecided. I like Grace or Charlotte... Andrew's not a huge fan of either of those, he likes Elizabeth (which is my middle name). I actually like it a lot too, but then her initials would be KEG and I just don't think I can do that.
If you're not friends with me on facebook, you should find me... I post pictures there on a pretty regular basis (at least monthly, but usually more often!)
Here's a couple from this month-
Sunday, May 17, 2009
On the move
Posted by Sara at Sunday, May 17, 2009
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She is getting so big!!!
Kaitlyn is a pretty name :)
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