Monday, August 11, 2008

Just the two of us

Today is Andrew's first day back to work, he left about 15 minutes ago... so until he gets home tonight it's just me and Alexis. I'm definitely a little nervous about the adjustment. I want to be able to get some things done around the house and still spend a lot of time with Alexis. I'm also trying to not hold her *all* the time... I find that I feel like I have to hold her or else I'm not being a good mom. I feel bad if I put her in her swing or bouncer... but otherwise I don't know how I would get ANYTHING done!

today on my to do list- laundry, dishes, tidy house, keep sanity! haha

Alexis should be about ready for a nap, so when she goes to sleep, I'll attempt to let her sleep in her crib while I complete my to do list, and then the rest of the day I can work on the last thing! :)


Anonymous said...

How have things been going??
